At MoneySavingExpert, we pride ourselves on providing our users with the most up-to-date and accurate information on all things related to saving money. Our guides are carefully curated after intensive editorial research, ensuring that we only feature the best companies, ideas, and products that will truly benefit our users.
But how do we decide which companies, ideas, and products make it into our guides? Let us explain.
Our Editorial Process
Our team of experts conducts thorough research and analysis to determine which companies, ideas, and products are worth featuring in our guides. We take into consideration factors such as price, quality, and user reviews to ensure that our recommendations are reliable and trustworthy.
We also have strict editorial guidelines in place to ensure that our content is unbiased and not influenced by any outside parties. Our goal is to provide our users with honest and accurate information that they can rely on.
Link Placement
You may have noticed that some of our guides contain links to external websites. These links are carefully chosen and placed based on the product or service's benefit to our users. If someone clicks through, the link is tracked and may generate a payment to the site. The details vary โ sometimes the payment is per click, per user, per application, per accepted application or any combination.
If you have any concerns about the links in our guides, please read our How This Site Is Financed article for a full explanation.
Contacting Us
We are always on the lookout for great offers and deals to share with our users. If you have a product or service that you would like us to review or feature in our guides, please contact the relevant team:
Deals Team: Vouchers, codes, discounts, bargains, sales, days out, restaurants, beauty.
Consumer Team: Shopping, travel, phones, technology, utilities, property.
Money Team: Credit cards, loans, banking, travel money, savings, insurance, mortgages, pensions.
Campaign Team: Government services, financial education, mental health, reclaiming, consumer protection, benefits, campaigns, campaigning.